Updating Results

North and West Remote Health

  • 100 - 500 employees

For new employees wondering what to expect when joining NWRH, meet Abbey who shares some insights

North and West Remote Health

Originally from a remote community herself, Abbey feels right at home.

“Expect adventure! Definitely adventure. You can expect to fall in love with the outback. The people here are great. Everyone is so welcoming, on my first day I was welcomed with open arms and love the opportunity to work with others that have a passion for remote health and a drive to make a difference.” 

Looking ahead, Abbey is excited to continue to service the rural and remote communities and excited to make these connections. “Ensuring people get better access to safe and nutritious food and continuing to build connections is so important,” said Abbey. “A lot of communities don’t have access to water fit for consumption.” 

Having worked for the UN with a background in humanitarian photography in rural and remote India, Abbey lists remote hobbies as a passion from taking photos to 4WD on her time off.