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Lockheed Martin Australia

  • > 100,000 employees

Helen Lawrence

Graduate Software Engineer at Lockheed Martin Australia

Bachelor of Software Engineering at University of South Australia

Be flexible and keep your options open because your goals and ambitions can change.

How did you find your way to Lockheed Martin?

I really didn’t know what I wanted to do in high school. There was a mixture of reasons why I picked software engineering, including enjoying maths and problem-solving. I looked at what careers would be best for the future and saw that this industry had high growth rates. I was aware of Lockheed Martin Australia for a long time and got to know more when they ran an information session at my university. I began to fully understand what they were about and really liked what they did. 

What was your interview process like?

It was good. It was multi-staged, so we began with some written responses and then an online test where we had to do a bunch of game-style questions. The next stage was a face-to-face interview. The questions were mainly soft skill interpersonal questions rather than being focused on the technical side of things.

Suppose a student was considering your career. What would you advise them to study?

I’d say study subjects that are broad, including ones that cover either science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). English is obviously very helpful and can help with particular aspects of the job. In addition, software development, computer science and computer system courses are also great.

What do you love most about your job?

I’m working on a really fun and important project and the work I’m doing has a real impact. The specific tasks I do each day are interesting because I’m having to solve problems all the time. My team and the people I work with are all very encouraging and we support each other. It’s a steep learning curve but I enjoy continually learning new things. 

What is your team like?

We are a hardworking group. We challenge each other and are all willing to listen to each other’s ideas and suggestions and flesh problems out together.

Which three pieces of advice would you give to a current university student?

  • Stick with it and don’t give up. There will be ups and downs but once you start full-time work it is very rewarding.
  • Don’t look or research too heavily into what you want to be. Be flexible and keep your options open because your goals and ambitions can change.
  • Break up your university studies by continuing to enjoy your hobbies and life in general.