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SAS ANZ Career Advice

How to boost your confidence and credibility in the field of data analytics by SAS ANZ

How industry certification and micro-credentials enhance your profile with potential employers, as these credentials demonstrate a commitment to professional development and his expertise in data and AI and using SAS.

How analytics gives students the professional edge

McKinsey’s revealed a significant shortage of skilled practitioners for the most in-demand tech skills, with less than 50% of the required professionals available worldwide.

How to command a room

Formulae, algorithms and methodologies aren't relevant to everyone in their daily work. But it's likely that most need to action data and information or understand the story it tells. So, presenting the results becomes crucial to successfully delivering a message that focuses on outcomes. You may have to command the room, to help non-analytics people understand and put the data into a story.

3 ways to increase your marketability with the SAS® certification

In today’s competitive marketplace and quickly evolving technological landscape, keeping knowledge current and developing hard skills has become more important than ever – and students are searching for opportunities to stand out from the crowd.

SAS - Sharpen Your Resume

Hear from 2 SAS experts on their take on some of the most common CV questions, True or False style.

Learn the skills to get an edge with employers

Check out our video introducing the SAS Skill Builder for Students – a free online resource available to you 24/7. It's designed to help you develop the data skills that employers are looking for.

What are the hottest skills needed today by SAS

Millions of employees are quitting every month. Companies plan to increase recruitment drives. So graduates who are skilling up in data and analytics will thrive!

How to get a perfect SAS Certification score

This is Stefania's story, how using the SAS Skill Builder for Students, she prepared for her SAS Certification exam. And how she achieved a perfect 1000/1000 score!

SAS: How to become a Data Scientist - Who lives at the beach

In Robert Blanchard’s case, he was studying economics and wanted to learn more about consumer behaviors as they relate to buying patterns.

SAS: Young Data Scientist Series

Start by meeting Stefan Stoyanov. He’s an MSc Business Analytics student with a passion for emerging technologies, ranging from artificial intelligence to augmented and virtual reality.